Cargo insurance

JSC SN Navigator as an additional service offers the organization of cargo insurance service, which provides protection of the client’s property interests during the transportation process. Cargo insurance is an important part of our transportation and logistics service and helps to reduce the risks of unforeseen financial losses.
We organize insurance for your cargo under the terms “with responsibility for all risks” in insurance companies-partners.

What are possible risks?

Damage, loss of cargo can occur for a variety of reasons, including third-party actions, mechanical damage during loading and unloading, vehicle loss, accidents and natural disasters.

How to insure the cargo?

To ensure the cargo, all you need to do is provide full information about it to our manager (name of the cargo, type, weight, volume, packing, route, delivery method).

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    Cargo insurance

    JSC SN Navigator as an additional service offers the organization of cargo insurance service, which provides protection of the client’s property interests during the transportation process. Cargo insurance is an important part of our transportation and logistics service and helps to reduce the risks of unforeseen financial losses.
    We organize insurance for your cargo under the terms “with responsibility for all risks” in insurance companies-partners.

    What are possible risks?

    Damage, loss of cargo can occur for a variety of reasons, including third-party actions, mechanical damage during loading and unloading, vehicle loss, accidents and natural disasters.

    How to insure the cargo?

    To ensure the cargo, all you need to do is provide full information about it to our manager (name of the cargo, type, weight, volume, packing, route, delivery method).

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      Leave a request and our specialists will be happy to answer your questions.

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